Friday, December 29, 2006

now your heart is open...karaoke!!!

an interesting day today. i got up at a reasonable hour and went to yoga class. i had another nice practice. i think i'm on a roll. i just love practicing in the room where i teach, with the students i teach. there's nothing better than being part of the crowd. i never liked a separation between me, the teacher, and the students. because i also am a student, and i really enjoy teaching the people here. they are very kind to me and appreciative.

i went home and mom was blasting korean pop (k-pop?) dancing & singing along with a vaccum, cleaning the house. it was very cute and inspiring. then she went out with friends, decked out in a leather skirt. she is ageless, truly. i guess the japanese like to clean like crazy at the end of the year to start clean and fresh the new year. so they also spend hours on sunday, the 31st cleaning the yoga studio. a very nice thing indeed. so she left to shop, and i am left alone again, starting to feel quite depressed again. the lonliness thing is getting to be a bit much, but i guess that's the price i pay when going to far away lands to study and teach. there's a difference between being alone and lonely. i enjoy being alone, but lonliness is a killer.

tonight i went to a fairly large party with yoga peeps at a traditional japanese restaurant with ulimited food & drinks. it ended up being a surprise party for katzus friend kuma. she was very surprised. it was lovely, lots of fun, and a good chance to talk with some of the students. everyone usually has to book out of the studio to go to jobs, so these gatherings are very special. then zen wanted me to do karaokee "lost in translation" style, but it was already kind of late and my eyelids getting heavy, we will save that idea for another time. i am here almost 2 more months. me thinks it will happen. emi says, "you have drinks. now your heart is open. karaokee!" all i could say was "not enough drinks".

because i am shy.

1 comment:

Lees Lamar said...

How about in that movie My Friends Wedding, when
Cameron Diaz is forced into singing karaoke.
That is a great scene, worth the rest of the bad movie...